Pine Needles - Landscape Management Indian Trail

If you are someone lucky enough to spend a lot of your time outside, you may notice some things that very few other people do. This may be something related to birds in your area or the fact that you know where the stars are when you're looking for a specific constellation. It may also have to do with something as seemingly mundane as just how much moisture different substances retain. If you've ever gone to a Christmas tree farm, you might be amazed at just how quickly certain areas get damp and how long they stay that way. There are often piles of pine needles that have fallen, and it is frequently the wettest part of the property. No matter what time of year or how little rain we've had, that pile always seems to be at least lightly damp. This is where you might realize that's one of the reasons why pine needles are such a valuable resource for people trying to grow beautiful lawns and other plants.
Pine needles are such a common substance around any pine tree that you often don't think of them as useful, but they are one of the best tools that can be put in a landscaper's kit. Not only can they help to increase the appearance of the property, but they hold moisture so well that they can help to keep plants and the grass damp to facilitate growth. Pine needles may not be the best thing to walk over barefoot, but they are most definitely a great item to have around your property. We always suggest mapping out your desired appearance with your landscaper, but many people don't even think about including pine needles instead of the more standard style of mulch. While both are great options, pine needles have certain benefits depending on what else you have on the property that we can help you enjoy.
If you are someone with property that needs a bit of love and care, give Southern Pride Landscape Management a call. We can help you from the first step to long term care to anything that comes afterwards. Whether you want a simple package or a full workup for your property, we can work with you to get your land looking beautiful for a price that you can afford. Call us, and see how much we can help your appearance with a bit of time and a few pine needles today!