A knowledgeable Southern Pride Landscape Management technician will come to your property and evaluate your turf grass. We will give you our professional recommendations for you to have a thick, weed free, healthy lawn.
What is Core Aeration?
Core Aeration is the process which a machine with hollow tines pull plugs out of the soil reducing soil compaction and thatch buildup. This process helps improve the movement of air, water, and nutrients in the soil.
What's The Best Time To Aerate?
- Cool-Seasoned grasses (Tall Fescue) in early fall (September thru November)
- Warm Season grasses (Bermuda) in mid spring to early summer (April thru June)
What Type of Grass Seed Do I Need?
- Tall Fescue
- Fescue grass seed can be planted in areas that have full sun to shade.
- Planted in the early fall
- Available in sod.
- Bermuda
- Bermuda grass is best in full sun
- Planted in late spring to early summer
- Goes dormant after frost
- Available in sod
What Type of Sod Is Available?
- Fescue
- Bermuda
- Zoysia
- St Augustine
- Centipede